2dae me n my mum went jurong bird park with my brother n family..my brothr rent van jst to go derre..zzzZZZzzz..early in de mwning at 9,, he already koll to remind us to gt ready..haiz..dat tyme mum n i stll nt ready,,mum still cooking,cleaning n washng cloth n i stll in my bed sleeping..hehe..we delayed a while..at arond 11.30 den we leave home..my nies n nephew get excitd n cnt wait to gt in..my bro rent dis baby seatng thing so dat both of dem can seat 2 getr n guese who must pull dem??zzz.me!!!well so tirng bt it is gd fr my muscle..hehe..Frst we visit de penguin,,den some flamingo,,den we went to de owl's lair,whooo!!so dark n so scary.lawl..the 2 babies were scared n cant stop wining..so irritating..haha..went out n to the birdatorium or smtng to watch some show perfrm by a bunch of parrot family..did u noe dat dere re alot of brd belng to de parrot family??fascinating stuff..hehe..we gt to c brd recylcng,paintng,acting,singng n much mre..zzz bored!!the 2 babies cant kept deir mouth shut..aftr which saw smre species of bird....
dis is some bird dat i gt to c..

Den afr touring the whole park we relax at de kids playgrnd so dat de babies can enjoy demselves..den when back home..stop at my aunties house cause she wantd to join us eat at Al-ameen..my bro gt bonus so he treat us..yummy!!!went back home n felt vewi tired..ZZZzz..so here i guing to sleep..
nitex evewione..
aniwae heres some pic i goof off..haha..
my nephew trying his best to pull me n her little sis..hehe..

us at the penguin place..i KPO..lawl
Bored while waing de babies played de playgrnd..
~2dae was crazy bt fun~
b4 shrng with u guys wt hppnd 2dae,,
Heres a poem..
Underneath the star
i'll wait for you
They told me i was crazy
I dreamt the sky radiared blue
But the doctors had cleared me and
Said it was just case of too much missing yoU!!!
i mish her so much..tsktsktsk....
i wan to shre a lyrics of a song name give you my all sang by the eyes set to kill..An awesome American Post-hardcore band.Which both vocal n lead guitarist was played by a she..just hear of dis band recently..lawl..this song is vewi toucng n deep..
Glass hailed from the sky that night
I couldn't hide to save my life
Standing drenched in open wounds
You took my hand and pulled me through
I want to give you everything I'll give you my all
Because you gave me, you gave me your lips a gentle kiss
The medicine to cure my pain
Listen to all of this glass shatter
It pierced my ears and made them bleed
Now it sounds so beautiful, cause your beautiful your beautiful
I want to give you everything I'll give you my all
Because you gave me, you gave me your lips a gentle kiss
The medicine to cure my pain
-did nt come watch danial performance..
-did nt follow mum n dad to cuzz wedding..
-planned to watch movie with dear..
-last minit she bail,,got plnned..
-text dee to slacked arond(we have not met fr a long tyme sumre bored liao)
-went to jurong point,,window shoppng-ing
-walked from home to JP(reached there around 25 minutes)
-met up with dear ends up guing dere with father,den sae gd bye
-chilled at starbucks having a whole lot of conversation
-played arcade, we played basketball thing till our hand aches
-back home by 10 at night
~overall was fun~
-went breakfast at makan shiok with family as usual every sundae..
-stay at home do ntng de rest of the dae..
-watch tv,,played game,,sleep,,blahblahblah..
-nephew sleep over..a burden fr me..
-cant sleep de whole dae worriing abot dear which is sick the whole dae..ZZZ
~overall bored~
-did not sleep til arond 6 till 9 den sleep again at 12 n till 2..wt a routine..
-edy to lepk 2gtr but den tired sia..haha..
-suddnly bored,,planned to meet dee..
-at 4.50 bring de brat along n meet up with dee..
-walk arond jurong..
-ramai tegur siot psl aku ngn dee,,bngt agh..jst fwen yo!!klo aku ngn yuri tu laen agh..lawl..
-slack at macd
-went hm at arnd 8,,dee want to watch polar express..wat a bored show i thought..bt turns up it is an exciting show..haha...
~overall kinda ok~
dats oll i got folks......
I Luv her!!!
its been while since i update my blog!!!
so Lazy..i try my best to update it evridae..shissh!!
holidae is so bowng aite..
cnt see her,,cnt mcg her,,cnt tolk to her,cnt chat with her..
argh!!!!im guing craz!!!
lol..k stop tolkng abot her..
Lets tolk about 2dae..
2dae was so random!!!ntg exctng!!!
but the fc**** thing is when we wre lepaking at my gurls blk,dat fc.....bst.....irrr....ass....son of a..... fren,,,syafiq was really gttng on my nerve..shhishh!!!!dats oll fr 2dae..
i may hve Exaggerate a bit..
k best 2mrw guing out!!!
ps i luv my angel..
lazy to update blog..
lazy to upload picture..
lazy to share experience at NEW ZEALAND..