hey dere 2dae gt teachers dae celebration..
quite fun agh 2dae..let me tll u oll abot it..
early in de morng i met up with my darlnk nysa n we chat a while while waiting fr her fwen..
den i go met up wth de E-brothrs..smoke a while..den go shool..n FYI evryone i nvr smoke!!!only some of de brothrs smoke ok..haha..wen skool do ACES tng..lame..play arnd wth de sec 2,,moshng evryone..haha..sowi guys..gurau2 je..haha..den go hall fr teachrs sae performnce..wtch vid..vewi surprise dat the man cn run frm lst to frst place,,dat cn hppnd whn u nvr gve up..haha..den Gifted Curse perform..quite good..nice..den drama club perform..haha,,,funny..den nadia sec 1 n sum1 i duno her name sing..dey sing vewi nice seh..den swan sing breakng de habit,,he cnnt pull vewi high therefore in resultng hm to b off key..haha..some teachrs perform singng..haha..den dancing..hotyhothoty...den councelor sing..saw nysa cheer her on...haha..den prize gvng fr the greatst tecahr n blablhblah..aftr when u thought evrtng is ovr the family supprt group dnce..ouhooo!!!!my eyes it burnd..haha..den realese fo ehmok house with ehfiq n ehdam..chill a while den go mosque..met up wth ehdat,ehwah,ehtek,ehriel,ehpark..den go gek poh tu play cs..bt me n ehpark n ehtek go lpkkng at arond gek poh..saw dis 2 hot gurls..den ehpark wan dier numb bt nervous to ask..funny sia.. i would ask bt i m takn aledy..lol..met up with some of the ahfamily plyng soccer..den met up wth de rst od the brother n when bck hm..dats is oll dat hppnd to me 2dae..
quite fun agh 2dae..let me tll u oll abot it..
early in de morng i met up with my darlnk nysa n we chat a while while waiting fr her fwen..
den i go met up wth de E-brothrs..smoke a while..den go shool..n FYI evryone i nvr smoke!!!only some of de brothrs smoke ok..haha..wen skool do ACES tng..lame..play arnd wth de sec 2,,moshng evryone..haha..sowi guys..gurau2 je..haha..den go hall fr teachrs sae performnce..wtch vid..vewi surprise dat the man cn run frm lst to frst place,,dat cn hppnd whn u nvr gve up..haha..den Gifted Curse perform..quite good..nice..den drama club perform..haha,,,funny..den nadia sec 1 n sum1 i duno her name sing..dey sing vewi nice seh..den swan sing breakng de habit,,he cnnt pull vewi high therefore in resultng hm to b off key..haha..some teachrs perform singng..haha..den dancing..hotyhothoty...den councelor sing..saw nysa cheer her on...haha..den prize gvng fr the greatst tecahr n blablhblah..aftr when u thought evrtng is ovr the family supprt group dnce..ouhooo!!!!my eyes it burnd..haha..den realese fo ehmok house with ehfiq n ehdam..chill a while den go mosque..met up wth ehdat,ehwah,ehtek,ehriel,ehpark..den go gek poh tu play cs..bt me n ehpark n ehtek go lpkkng at arond gek poh..saw dis 2 hot gurls..den ehpark wan dier numb bt nervous to ask..funny sia.. i would ask bt i m takn aledy..lol..met up with some of the ahfamily plyng soccer..den met up wth de rst od the brother n when bck hm..dats is oll dat hppnd to me 2dae..
school sux!!!i agree!!!

n advice on hw to gt a gurls numb..lol..

wanna learn how to ve sex dis is de wae..

im insane!!!