Todae is youth dae got nthng to so decided to go out with some fwens..
FRST I GO GYM..In the mrng me,wafi,haziq,miqdad n HIS bro go gym..
wohhh!!!so exausting..We have ton of fun training..whoo!!!boys dae out..i fight arm wrestle with dem n i win all except miqdad,he strond seh..Bt stll i win Wafi n haziq..haha!!!Den afterward i met up wth edy n my couz ira n her fwen nadrah..We actually plan to go WEST COAST bt they cnge their mind n we all go to IMM..At frst there are slight problem wth ira's bf den turned up he was'nt be able to we four went to IMM n strtd to window shop..
aftr whch the girls went eat at BAGUS..But me n edy went to Daiso edy buy sumtng fr his pet cat..den we went to LGS to eat.i bought combo one,bt den beside us there were some left over n did'nt hve any bite on it so we take it n jst pretnd dat it was ours..lawls..funny sia..Den,,We met up with some fellow juniours boonlayians,,shema,shafina n aqila..edy joine dem n bailed me..dat wt u call fwen!!! dere left me wth ira n nadrah we went round n round den dey finally stop as too tired n wntd to go i joined my juniours..lolx..they frst eat at macdonald den dey went to the playgrnd to take pic so i joined the fun..whoo!!!i really have fun sia..take pics like wat only..whooo!!!!Den its tyme to go home we hve our final shot n we went off..alng the wae me n edy cnt stop singing twist n shout by the beattles..haha..WELL SAKE IT UP BABY NOW..haha..Me and edy the whole dae dnt stop behavng like monkey's..lwls..After gettng dark Me n edy went to FRONTIER LIB to seat arnd n enjoy the aircorn..den dere dis group of gurls disturb us so we distrB bck den dere when off..the girls are all quite cute too..hehe..gatal!!..As dere were no one to dstrb we went off too..haha..Den We buy some food and went home..Haha..TIRED sia 2dae..klah gtg..i guing to bed..sleepyy..swtt dweam RIZAL!!!!..

ps i think i have a crush on shafina..
Urrrggh!!!!tired sia 2dae..Today i had an event for this stupid jubilee thng..its a BLAZING RACE..SHHiiSShh!!its like an AMAZING RACE..Boo!!The rule are simple there are 7 checkpoint each group has to go to 3 checkpoint n answr a ques on HIS or GEO,if we gt an answr rng 5 min will b added to our tyme n the team with the fastest tyme win..N ya we cnt take any cars nor taxi..SHITT rite!!!We meet in school fr a briefing frst n get to our group members are me,haiqal,wilson,mas ayu n swan..our frst station is at KENT RIDGE PARK..After the briefing my group ran to the bustop to take bus to Bl intrchnge,we would norm walk bt its a race so be it..We den go to Buena Vista n take bus 200 dere..ITS A MISTAKE!!!We waitd fr the bus fr abot 15 min..WTF!!!This is the mst tiring check point as we nd to climb a hill..urggh!!aftr reachng the top we wre dissapointd to noe dat we nt the frst grop dere,its oll bus 200 fault!!!!we answer some que n i made a mistake n we gt 1 que rong..i should listen to haiqal siol..SORY GUYS!!We make our wae dwn th hil..We wre quite slow,to make thngs fast i chllnge the guy dwn n the losser wll treat MCDONALS bt its very steep hill dat i fall n gt sme bruises..haha..i loss so i jst treat dem watr..haha..its bettr den nthg rite.. den aftr which we made ou wae to KRANJI MEMORIAL..along our wae we met wth the othr group who olso guing dere..After reachng kranji MRT station we ran dere bt the othr team decided to take the bus so thEy reach dere frst..agh!!!ANTHR MISTK!!!BT aftr answring some que we gt oll rite..whoo!!n if nt fr ths stupd uncle we nt gona get it rite.he scold us bcause we were being so rude nvr greed sia!!!We politely ask fr hlp bt he scold den he stll hlp n we gt it rite..haha..aftr dat its only left wth JURNG-KRANJI DEFNCE LINE which is vewy near my blck..whoo!!so dis would nt b any problm..on our wae bck to KRANJI MRT station we meet anthr group whom entrng their thrd chck point..SO FAST!!we rush to the MRT station n go JE to take 334..we met up wth anthr team n dis tyme its a battle between us group n the last group dere would be disqualiffied as its alredy late..whn we alightd we ran like the wind we wre cnfdnt to dis chckpoint bt the othr group were clueless so we beat dem easily..yea we gt oll 3 chck point..At ths chckpoint its alredy strtd to rain heavily..we wr soak wet!!!bt we gt oll que rite..whoo!!!!den we mke our wae to jw stdium..alng the wae we met up wth the othr team..we oll race to the fnsh bt aftr finally reahng dere we gt to noe dat we loss n dere wr a few team alread dere ...WTH!!!! but alot of dem wre disqualified as nt able to fnsh the 3rd checkpoint..HAHA..SO we loss bt den we hve fun..Yeah!!dam tired sia!!!!!Bt fun leh..haha..when home sleep like a baby..hehe..k till here only lah..